Our Space 2018-2048 – planning for growth across Greater Christchurch.

14 June 2019.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership has endorsed Our Space 2018 -2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update Whakahāngai O Te Hōrapa Nohoanga outlining how the region will support future housing and business growth for an expected population increase of 150,000 people.

The update sits within the Urban Development Strategy and looks out 30 years to 2048 to ensure we are planning ahead and considering the steps we need to take now to sustainably manage growth.  It focuses on how land use, or development, integrates with planned transport investments to encourage a significant mode shift to public transport, walking and cycling.

The Partnership comprises Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri councils, Environment Canterbury, Iwi, Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand Transport Agency and other public agencies. The collaboration recognises the interconnectedness of urban areas and transport networks across Greater Christchurch.

Independent Chairman of the Partnership, Bill Wasley said many other plans, strategies and initiatives will complement the update in improving the social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the Greater Christchurch community.

“This update is an important part of the jigsaw and it provides planning certainty and a commitment to collective investment for the good of Greater Christchurch – our space” Mr Wasley said.

The Partnership had planned to do this work to deliver on stated commitments, but it also satisfies a Government requirement for councils in high growth urban areas to produce a future development strategy, outlined in the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.

Upcoming meetings of each partner council will now be asked to adopt the document.

Note to editors:

  • The Greater Christchurch Partnership has recommended that: Partner Councils (Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, Selwyn District Council, and Waimakariri District Council) adopt the final version of Our Space 2018-2048; and that the Canterbury District Health Board, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, New Zealand Transport Agency, Regenerate Christchurch and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet convey their support for the final version of Our Space 2018-2048.