Land Use Recovery Plan

Land Use Recovery Plan: Te Mahere Whakahaumana Tāone

Land Use Recovery Plan The Land Use Recovery Plan (LURP) [PDF, 1.8 MB]is a statutory document which was prepared under the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 (CER Act).

The Plan sets a policy and planning framework necessary for metropolitan greater Christchurch to rebuild existing communities; develop new communities; meet the land use needs of businesses; rebuild and develop the infrastructure needed to support these activities, and take account of natural hazards and environmental constraints that may affect rebuilding and recovery.

The LURP directed changes to RMA documents, including amendments to district plans, and the insertion of Chapter 6 in the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement.

Actions in the LURP aim to intensify housing while maintaining amenity values;

  • improve the range
  • quality and choice of housing options
  • rebuild social housing
  • provide community facilities
  • support rebuilding of commercial businesses within key activity and neighbourhood centres
  • help to integrate land use, infrastructure and the transport network.

In May 2015, the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery gave approval for minor amendments to the LURP.