Prosperous economies

Economic Development

Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy

The Canterbury Mayoral Forum launched the Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy in August 2015. The Strategy contains seven work programmes which will achieve the regional vision of "A region making the most of its natural advantages to build a strong, innovative economy with resilient, connected communities and a better quality of life for all. "

The work programmes are:

  • Freshwater management and irrigation infrastructure
  • Integrated regional transport planning and infrastructure investment
  • Digital connectivity: extension and uptake of fast broadband in rural areas
  • Value added production/secondary economies
  • Education and training for a skilled workforce
  • Newcomer/migrant settlement: skilled workers, cohesive communities
  • Regional Visitor Strategy

Christchurch Economic Development Strategy

Christchurch Economic Development Strategy

The purpose of Christchurch Economic Development Strategy [PDF, 1.9 MB] (CEDS) is to identify long term growth goals and priorities to 2031 that will create a stronger economy and better quality of life.

The economic development planning ensures that resources, business and investment decisions are steered towards a common set of objectives intended to improve economic outcomes. By setting a common course, engaging with the business community and investing in shared goals, better outcomes will be achieved.

Economic Recovery Programme for Greater Christchurch

The Economic Recovery Programme was one of the six key components of the Recovery Strategy for greater Christchurch: Te Mahere Houmanutanga Waitaha. The programme contained 20 priority projects aiming to revitalise the greater Christchurch economy.

Central City

Central City Action Plan cover

Central City Action Plan

The Central City Action Plan(external link) aims to encourage people back to the central city. The plan brings together central city regeneration projects and activities into a single, cross-agency, action-focused plan so opportunities are maximised and things get done.

Find out more about the plan and progress here(external link).

Christchurch Central Recovery Plan

The Christchurch Central Recovery Plan(external link) was published in 2012, and drew on over 100,000 contributions from community members through the public consultation process 'Share an idea'. 

The plan is now being implemented through a range of organisations, and through both public and private sector investment.

Learning and workforce

Shaping Education' Education Renewal Programme Shaping Education education renewal programme

The Shaping Education(external link) education renewal programme is a recovery programme developed by the Ministry of education in response to the changes needed following the earthquakes.  The programme aims to 'reshape education, improve the options and outcomes for learners, and support greater diversity and choice' in the greater Christchurch area.

Canterbury skills and employment hub

The Canterbury Skills and Employment Hub(external link) provides job-matching and immigration services for job seekers and employers in the Canterbury region.  The Hub started as a collaboration between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (now disestablished), the Ministry of Social Development and the Tertiary Education Commission.

Skills for Canterbury training package

The Skills for Canterbury programme is a package of $42 million of additional funding for trades training for the Canterbury Rebuild. The package was announced by the Government in May 2011.